Sunday, July 04, 2010

happy-ness. As simple as that.

I'm sometimes skeptical about being happy and spreading happiness and doing nice stuff to others because its so surface level, and people make others happy because it makes them happy. & I used to think its wrong to do that because you're not doing it for the genuine sake of making others happy.

But as you grow up, you'll learn that things just work that way and we should take a step back and admire things for its simplicity.

Like how simple it is to make someone happy. Like how simple it can be to do a little to cheer others up and everybody up.

Alright, words fail me tonight. But as they say, a picture speaks a thousand words, so a video should make up for my inability to express myself well tonight.

Edward Monkton (click) has pretty cute, simplistic yet insightful words. The video I watched was "the pig of happiness" :)

Spread the joy. or the love.

Though it makes one wonder if that pig ever feel sad?
Would he have to pretend to be happy even when he's sad?

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